Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tragedy in Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch Cathedral, my picture.
On February 22, a 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. I was saddened to see and read the stories of death and destruction. Especially, since I visited that region in 2008. Christchurch is a lovely city which combines the new with the old, it reminds me a lot of Victoria, BC. The downtown core of Christchurch has been reduced to rubble. Pictures of the destruction were soon posted to the many media outlets and for a moment, I could not believe it. To see the Christchurch Cathedral in ruins was incomprehensible. The hotel where we stayed was across the square and we looked onto it every night.

My sister told me that I was lucky to have visited there before this awful event happened and to have been able to see Christchurch in its splendour. Suppose that is true, however, it is still heartbreaking. As I did last year for the disasters in Haiti and Chile, this time too I have made a donation to the International Disaster Relief Fund of the Canadian Red Cross so that they may be able to assist those who require help.

New Zealanders, or Kiwis as they are affectionately known, are survivors, they have faced many challenges and are a strong, proud people. I know that they will rebuild and make this city whole again.

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