Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Moon - Premiere

Monday, November 16, 2009 was the premiere of 'New Moon' in Westwood (LA) and it so happens that it actually was a new moon as in the monthly celestial occurence - coincidence? Maybe, it certainly seemed as though all the planets were aligned and the event was a great success - for those lucky enough to be able to attend and for those (like me) who sat at home and watched it unfold on MySpace. If you feel so inclined you can watch the entire red carpet proceedings here - Part I and Part II.

The cast looked gorgeous and what is evident is that this group of people are very tight - generous, supportive and accessible. Even before the premiere several actors visited fans who had begun to lign up on Thursday (Nov.12), 4 days before. Chatting, taking pictures and even bringing treats for some - I must say that of any movie franchise how many can boast a cast this awesome. Thank you for being you!

The following is a very special moment where Rob genuinely shows interest when listening to the personal story from a young woman, Courteny from New York, who won an essay contest explaining what 'New Moon' and The Twilight Saga means to her and how it helped her overcome tragedy. This was a crazy night for him, thousands of screaming fans, pressure of a new movie opening and still finding time to spend some time with this fan - very special.

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