Based on a true story, which follows the lives of 2 Aboriginal sisters and 2 cousins who form a singing group in the late 1960s and tour Vietnam to entertain the troops. Under the watchful eye of their manager, played by Chris O'Dowd ('Bridesmaids'), this is a story of a coming-of-age of sorts as the young women travel not only outside of their own communities but Australia as well, opening up a new world of opportunity and adventure.
The story is a great mix of soul music, wit and romance. I highly recommend it. The real-life women who inspired this movie, spent the rest of their lives creating and supporting health and education programs in their respective communities. For a more detailed review, click here.
The real-life Sapphires: Laurel Robinson, Lois Peeler and their cousins Beverley Briggs and Naomi Mayers. |
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