'Winter's Bone' is a story of 17-year old Ree Dolly, played splendidly by 20-year old newcomer Jennifer Lawrence. Ree must find her father before his court date so that her family does not lose the humble home they live in. Ree is the backbone of the family as her mother has descended into a catatonic depression thus leaving Ree with the responsibility of rearing her younger brother and sister.
It is a bleak story, yet with flashes of warmth and at the core it is about family and what binds us together. As Ree says a couple of times "family is like bread and butter." The austere poverty and environment provides a look at a society that many of us are not familiar with. The movie is set and was filmed on location in the Ozarks, Missouri and used actual residents as extras. All of the elements rang very true.
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'True Grit', the remake of the 1969 John Wayne film, features at its heart Mattie Ross, played by 14-year old newcomer Hailee Steinfeld. Mattie has set out to avenge the murder of her father with the help of Marshal Rooster Cogburn. At 14 years old, Mattie proves herself to be quite a force as she bargains with a local business man for money owed for livestock and negotiates the services of Cogburn to track down her dad's killer. Her mother, we are told, is back home looking after her younger brother and sister.
Ree and Mattie are kindred spirits, born in a different time, yet sharing very similar situations. Without their plucky spirit, or grit, neither they nor their families would be able to survive their collective fates.
As for the actresses who portray Ree and Mattie, Jennifer Lawrence and Hailee Steinfeld have very bright futures ahead. Both have been Oscar-nominated for their respective roles, Jennifer for Best Actress and Hailee for Best Supporting Actress. Should they not end up with the statue this year, they will be on the scene for many years to come.