Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Moon November
Having seen the movie a few times now, it goes without saying that fans of the books, will love the movies - they may not be Academy Award winning material, however New Moon is a better film than Twilight. It is evident that each director will bring their vision to the story. Can't wait for Eclipse, which is my favourite book of the series.
Breaking Dawn, the final installment, is yet to be confirmed - no doubt negotiations are underway to secure the actors, a director and locations (hint to Summit: Vancouver).
Since my blog has been rather focused on Twilight, as we move into December, my blog's focus shall shift to other interests - much to the relief of some :-)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Moon Breaks Box Office Records

I love that a female-driven movie whose demographic is 95% women is breaking box office records-girl power!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Moon - Finally
Will be neat to see the sets, sites, etc. used in filming although I'm hoping not to get too distracted in looking at the scenery and figuring out where it was filmed or knowing where it was filmed - solution is to see it at least a few times :-)
Hope that everyone who is going to see 'New Moon' tonight, this weekend, has a great time. I look forward to the discussions which will certainly ensue.
The latest trailer, one more time...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Moon - The Score
Alexandre Desplat who has scored some amazing movies such as the upcoming Fantastic Mr. Fox with George Clooney, Julie & Julia with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, Coco Avant Chanel with Audrey Tautou, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Brad Pitt, The Golden Compass (also directed by Chris Weitz), The Painted Veil and The Queen lends his talent to the New Moon score. From what I have heard, it will be terrific, much more serious in tone than 'Twilight', of course this movie being much darker. Can't wait to see how the music will fit into the action.
New Moon - Premiere
The cast looked gorgeous and what is evident is that this group of people are very tight - generous, supportive and accessible. Even before the premiere several actors visited fans who had begun to lign up on Thursday (Nov.12), 4 days before. Chatting, taking pictures and even bringing treats for some - I must say that of any movie franchise how many can boast a cast this awesome. Thank you for being you!
The following is a very special moment where Rob genuinely shows interest when listening to the personal story from a young woman, Courteny from New York, who won an essay contest explaining what 'New Moon' and The Twilight Saga means to her and how it helped her overcome tragedy. This was a crazy night for him, thousands of screaming fans, pressure of a new movie opening and still finding time to spend some time with this fan - very special.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
New Moon - Premiere Week

Saturday, November 14, 2009
One Froggy Evening
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Melissa Rosenberg
Her latest interview is with Making Of where she discusses the making of New Moon.
New Moon at the Mall
Twilight Mania on Overdrive
The Summit marketing machine is in overdrive and sometimes it is difficult to figure out what is part of hype and what is real. Personally, if Rob & Kristen are an item, let it be so, I wish them well and leave them be. Once the New Moon promotional tour has come to an end, hopefully the intense scrutiny and media attention focused on the actors will diminish and allow these people to have some down-time.
Peter Facinelli who plays Carlisle Cullen (Edward's dad), posted this picture on Twitpic last night (he holding hands with his other 'son' Kellan Lutz aka Emmett), moments after the shot of Robsten holding hands was released - it was clever and a nice thing to do to try and deflect some of the intensity focused on these two people. I understand the attention (really, why else would I discuss it here and have posted other pictures of them) however, I think a line should be drawn between a magazine shoot, red-carpet or public appearance where they know they are being photographed and one's private life.
Peter Facinelli & Kellan Lutz aka 'Pellan' :-)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The 'Pattz'
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Sistahood of Twilight
We follow each other's adventures in our daily lives as well as catching up on the latest Twi-gossip and goings-ons in the Twi-universe. It's an outlet for us to share the latest theories, etc. on our favourite Saga without judgment or having to defend why we like the books, movie(s), etc.
It truly is a sisterhood, yes I realize that there may be some men who enjoy The Twilight Saga however the majority are women - and that in itself, is also unique as I cannot think of a movie series which has ever had such a large female following and is clearly aimed at the female demographic. Suppose it is our very own 'Star Wars', 'Lord of the Rings', etc. (I being a fan of both those franchises).
The books were marketed to be for young adults, we all know that Twi-fans run the gamut from young to the young-at-heart, take me for instance - I would be considered a 'Twilight Mom' - adult women who like Twilight. No, I don't have children and when asked in the bookstore who the latest Twilight-related item is for, I own my obsession and tell them it's for me with a proud smile on my face. A store clerk a few weeks ago, actually groaned as I gleefully lay down the New Moon Movie Companion on the counter and said 'not another one'...I said to her 'this must be a popular item today?!' Geez. It was nice to see all of us on twitter share our excitement over having the book and perusing it during our lunch or having to save it until we got home that night.
I have often been asked why I like The Twilight Saga and always tell them that it starts and ends with the books - Stephenie Meyer has created a wonderfully rich Twi-world where we can revisit Bella, Edward and Jacob and company on a regular basis and relive their adventures when our own adventures sometimes do not seem as buoyant or exciting. Seeing the books realized as movies is just the icing on the cake.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Robsten's Harper's Bazaar Cover Shoot
The following is an excerpt from the Harper's Bazaar article featuring our fave RPattz and KStew - I read that this photo shoot and interview is their 'official coming out as a couple'. That remains to be seen, however as the saying goes - these pictures do speak volumes.
With Twilight, the young actors found themselves thrust into the spotlight. Now, while their characters are torn apart in New Moon, they couldn't be closer. For more, see video with a sneak peek at New Moon. Plus, 11 things you didn't know about Rob & Kristen.
You can read the rest of the article here. Enjoy the pics, which are gorgeous!
Hmmm, looking forward to the proposal scene(s) in New Moon
& deffo Eclipse

The height of sophistication - looking kind of Addams' family like :)

Satellite Heart
It looks to me that the scenery of the video was shot in Oregon where Twilight was filmed - the mossy covered rocks seem familiar somehow, as does the waterfall. The cinematography is awesome and serves the song very well. A feast for the eyes - many have said that Chris Weitz's New Moon will also be a feast for the eyes, I say bring it on!!