Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Movie Clips - Too Much of a Good Thing?
Obviously, for we Twi-hards, who are already very familiar with the story seeing how it is translated to film will be the proof in the pudding, so to speak.
If these clips are any indication of the finished product, it looks amazing and cannot wait to see it! Hopefully there will still be plenty of surprises for us to watch (a few times).
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Edward & Bella Appear on My Pumpkin ;-)
David Slade, Director of Eclipse
He directed '30 Days of Night' which was released last year around Halloween, another vampire flick which has significantly more bite than the Twilight Saga. Indeed, David thought that the Twilight Saga was less than stellar...that is why when it was announced that he was to direct 'Eclipse' Twi-hards everywhere questioned his sincerity. Summit sensed that there may be some trouble brewing and David issued an apology thus smoothing any ruffled feathers.
All was forgiven and forgotten especially when he began sending regular tweets updating everyone on pre-production, production and upcoming post-production. David will continue to tweet until 'Eclipse' is released in the theatre next year.
David takes great pictures and has posted them on his twitter such as Bella's truck headlight-something as mundane as a headlight he makes look interesting and artistic.

I can't wait to see 'Eclipse' - realize that we still have to see 'New Moon' and have my ticket already but can't wait for next June (is that bad?) ;-)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
New Moon - the Soundtrack

From the first listen, I have really loved this soundtrack and not just saying that. The Twilight soundtrack took a few listens to really get a feel for it but every song on this soundtrack seems to be telling part of the story of New Moon.
Lyrics to the songs are posted here and I have tried to place the songs where I think they fit into the story. Of course this is up for debate as only a few lucky people, namely the cast and Stephenie have seen the movie.
The order in which songs appear on a soundtrack often does not mirror the order in which they appear in the movie. For example, the Twilight song list starts with Muse's Supermassive Black Hole which doesn't appear until three-quarters into the movie at the baseball scene.
I have kept the songs in order they appear on the soundtrack and guess as to which scene they will accompany. The following is speculation only aka my opinion, for fun only:
- Meet Me On the Equinox, Death Cab for Cutie - the lyrics allude to the clock tower scene where Edward wants to walk into the sunlight at noon to show himself as a vampire; the melody may play in the background or it will be part of the end credits.
- Friends, Band of Skulls - quirky song which could play when Bella, Jacob, Mike & the gang go to the movies. Bella takes pictures of her friends with camera given to her at her birthday.
- Hearing Damage, Thom Yorke - this may be my favourite song on the album. This should play when Bella sees Edward's apparition when she is doing something wreckless. In the book she would hear him, so ironic as to the title of the song.
- Possibility, Lykke Li - possibly one of the most haunting of songs...playing when Edward leaves Bella in the forest; her cliff dive or during her depression.
- A White Demon Love Song, The Killers - could play to one of many apparitions of Edward; Bella rides a motorcycle after seeing the movie, when she 'sees' Edward for the first time.
- Satellite Heart, Anya Marina - Bella's song during her depression or to put another spin on it, Jacob's song as he pines for Bella's affection.
- I Belong To You (New Moon Remix), Muse - plays as Alice & Bella race through streets of Volterra on their way to save Edward.
- Rosyln, Bon Iver & St. Vincent - Bella jumping/falling off the cliff.
- Done All Wrong, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Edward's lament that he is not good for Bella/believes he has no soul. Cursed fate.
- Monsters, Hurricane Bells - Bella meets the wolves although melody is a bit light.
- The Violet Hour, Sea Wolf - Bella & Edward having a light moment in the meadow.
- Shooting the Moon, OK Go - Jacob & the wolves running through the night.
- Slow Life, Grizzly Bear (with Victoria Legrand) - plays when Bella tells Jacob she must go to save Edward.
- No Sound But the Wind, Editors - makes me think of the tent scene in Eclipse but this is New Moon so when Bella & Edward have returned from Volterra or part of end credits.
- New Moon (The Meadow), Alexandre Desplat - obviously the meadow - very beautiful and sombre. I like that the piano is featured as main instrument, alluding to Bella's Lullaby of Twilight. Meadow scene when Bella revisits it after Edward is gone.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pictures from the Twilight Zone

100 Monkeys
I saw them in concert in September. Their music is eclectic and eccentric - with a sense of humour. Just a lot of fun! The first song is about a plane going down in flames and the second song is their improvisational part of the concert where they perform a song based on suggestions from the audience, this night it was 'David Bowie'. Come check out 100 Monkeys.
The Twilight Saga

When I first heard that the first book 'Twilight' would be turned into a motion picture, I was super-excited. Although some of my friends did not like the movie, I loved it - filled in the holes with content from the book. 'New Moon' looks like it may satisfy the critics and the fans, although who really cares about the critics :)
'New Moon' and 'Eclipse', the 2nd and 3rd books were/are being filmed in & around Vancouver. Of course, having these movies being created in my own backyard, it became a challenge to find actual sets or at least where the filming had taken place.
'New Moon' was a more relaxed set - so relaxed in fact that I drove right through a set one night as they were setting up for filming at Bella's house - truck out front and all but managed only a picture from afar as I had convinced one of the security people that I lived in the neighbourhood and feigned any knowledge of what was going on (still chuckle when I recount this episode).

I have not actually seen any filming, but seeing the sets when filming has completed and/or remnants of props has been a lot of fun.
As for the actors, have met Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) and Xavier Samuel (Riley) and hope to catch a glimpse of others - opportunity is fleeting as filming will wrap up at the end of October.
Hopefully, production will return for the last installment 'Breaking Dawn' however, rumours abound that they will not be back in Vancouver and return to Oregon where 'Twilight' was shot. Only time will tell. If they do not return, I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to see bits & pieces of 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse'.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Glee Wednesday

Thus when September rolled around, word-of-mouth and repeat viewings led to a mini-phenomenon, positive critical and public reviews have boosted the show to rank 29th in the much-coveted 18-49 year old demographic (last week).
Wednesday's have now become my 'Glee Wednesday', which gives me something to look forward to after a long day at the office.
If you haven't yet had an opportunity to check it out, in the US you can watch full episodes on Fox.com and in Canada go to http://www.globaltv.com/
Come join the Gleek Club (Glee fans), you won't regret it ;)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
To post or not...post!
Will be discussing many topics, some more riveting than others. Currently, my ramblings will include the Twilight Saga. Twilight came to me about three years ago when I picked up the first book in the series and for lack of a better word, became hooked "my own personal brand of heroin", as Edward would say.
I have always had an interest in vampires, it's the only 'horror' genre I can/will watch as the other horror movies scare the bejeezes out of me. Vampires are fictional and therefore, safe to watch - no chainsaw-wielding maniacs for me (something that actually could happen, maybe). Anyway, it all started by watching Béla Lugosi as Dracula (just realized the symbolism of that name & Twilight connection, bahahaha or should it be muahahaha) and then chasing my little sister around pretending to be Dracula. Used to tell her 'I vant to suck your blood' - not really but that would send her running & screaming - this was funny as a 10-year old.
Love nature and will probably post many pictures of landscapes, cityscapes, buildings, etc. Living in BC provides many opportunities to observe and be part of nature. After all how could one live here and not be part of 'Super Natural BC' (actual slogan of Tourism BC) http://www.hellobc.com/en-CA/default.htm
Entertainment, whether live or movies, has always played a big part in my life. My mom used to take my siblings and I to children's theatre and fell in love with live theatre and will always remmber my first movie was 'Pinocchio' (not the original release in 1940 but some years later). I marvelled at the big screen and have found many years hence a sort of kinship with movies.
Music is very important as well. I have collected a lot of music and still have my original record collection (play a record once in a while), cassette tapes, CDs and now MP3s. Music for me is like a diary and know exactly what was happening in my life when a particular song plays.
As they say, 'cut, that's a wrap' (for this post).