"The Artist" is the story of a silent film actor George Valentin, played most excellently by French actor Jean Dujardin, and an up-and-coming starlet Peppy Miller, played by Bérénice Bejo. The movie is shot entirely in black and white, 99% silent and the most original and cleverly entertaining movie I have seen this year. It is my favourite film of 2011.
To say more of the plot, etc. would give too much away. I encourage everyone to go see this movie, if you enjoy(ed) the romance and charm of a movie era long gone, you will love this movie. I will definitely see this movie again.
In British Columbia, the movie it is rated G, however, I would not recommend it to children under 10.
The movie is being distributed by The Weinstein Company and Alliance in Canada and I have heard that Harvey Weinstein supported this small film from the beginning, his brother Bob was a bit more reserved and actually told Harvey that he was out of his mind for marketing a silent, black and white film in the current movie environment. I am so glad that Harvey didn't listen to his brother. Hopefully, this film will win many awards, it would be the first time since 1928 ('Wings') that a silent film has won Best Picture.
Check out the trailer.
An interview with Jean Dujardin.